Friday, December 17, 2010

Adventure # 1

In my vain attempts to find a hobby, because clearly I don't have enough to do, this blog was born.

As of right now, I should be making my way to bed so that I can force myself to wake up for work tomorrow, but I think I'm going to give this a go.

In the last five months: I have moved out of my mother's house, rented an apartment with my wonderful and fabulous girl, begun attending college, adopted a dog, and discovered how hard it is to keep a budget. So now that you're caught up to today, I can tell you what's new: winter break.

Read this fast: Have you ever had that feeling that your completely drowning under water and there is absolutely no way that your going to be able to swim to the top and at the same time you're getting a grade on how well you're swimming and lo and behold the grader is your grandmother?!

I have.
It's called finals week.
Let alone, the first finals week in this whole college adventure.

Not only was it your average finals week, but I ended up having a full blown sinus infection, pleurisy AND pericarditis. That combination results in a mandatory ten days of bed rest.

Well guess what, your professors don't care that you're a snotty, swollen mess.

So, because of my uncontrollable sleeping through all of review week, I started studying one day before my first three finals. To my amazement I am still alive, and I think I may have done well.

The point is, ALL OF THAT IS OVER!!! An entire month of winter break has been born, and that means an entire month of rest, family, books, food, and travel.

Girl and I leave on Thursday to go see her family for the holidays. It is sure to be a wonderful...and terrifying time. 99% of the time nothing goes wrong and everyone is happy and joyful. But let me tell you...that 1% of the time that the select few family members decide to rain down their terrifying spray of acidic, corrosive, painful and ignorant venom...well that 1% of the time is just not fun.

I swear this is what they say. ^^^^^^^^^^^^

And this is how it makes me feel. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ can be mortifying... but most of the time girl and I have a blast. For this, we can't wait to leave!

My next blogging adventures will most likely cover my winter break.
Topics may or may not include my attempts to:
  • Go to the dog park at least 5 times a week.
  • Learn 15 new recipes, that's right, fifteen.
  • Read at least 3 books.
  • Learn how to do something with fabric.
  • Re-arrange the apartment without upsetting Lord, the downstairs neighbor. (His last name actually IS Lord! How amazing is that?!)
  • Do yoga every day.
  • Teach my dog Pickles a new trick.
  • Discover at least 5 new places in my little town.
  • ...and hopefully much, much more.
Much love,
Just Hannah